The more sincere our spiritual sight,
the more we see what is in our heart and mind, our words and deeds.
The more blameless our life,
the greater our sorrow when we act reproachfully.
The more we grow in godliness of life and long for holiness throughout,
the more we groan and sigh over the weakness that yet abounds in our flesh.
The more we are purified in mind,
the filthier we see ourselves and the more we find reason for humility rather than pride.
The more we rise to loftier, worthier, more godly things,
the more we see how much further there is to go.

Holy persons are most aware of their imperfections,
whereas those more familiar with sinfulness
have difficulty seeing their faults,
even when they are grave.
(Boniface Ramsey)

One type of double-minded man
is one who wants to enjoy worldly pleasures now
and reign with God in Heaven afterward
(Bede the Venerable)

Suffering is a real bond, an encouragement to greater love,
and the basis of spiritual perfection and godliness.
In the world there is no one who wins a trophy without suffering,
without strengthening himself with labors and dieting and exercise and vigils
and many other things like that.
How much more is this true in the [spiritual] battle!
(John Chrysostom)

If we do not shrink back or get discouraged by the trials we go through,
rather than being hurt by them,
we will shine like gold that has been refined in the fire.

A gateway site to information that is intended to help those who seek
to live ever more fully for the One who died and rose again on their behalf.

  January 2023.