eMeditation on the Bible
Question: How does a person “know” God?
According to the Bible: "Jesus often went somewhere where he could be alone to spend time with God." (Luke 5:16)
General Principles
Knowing God is an experiential relationship wherein:
(1)  God’s love transforms all relationships,
(2)  spiritual growth and maturity take place,
(3)  union with God by sharing God’s primary nature of love is the culmination of the relationship.
An experiential relationship with God requires the self-discipline of scheduling time to “be with” God. Experiences of God’s presence occur during periods of time spent with God in a variety of ways:
(1)  meditation
(2)  inspiring music
(3)  being in the beauty of nature
(4)  talking to God
(5)  reading about the life and teachings of Jesus in the Bible.
The presence of God can also be experienced during group worship and Bible studies with other followers of Jesus.
Personal Application
When you meditate, pray and worship God:
(1) Review your life regularly to recognize how God has: (a) blessed you, (b) supplied your needs, (c) protected you and (d) given you strength to endure difficult situations. Examine the events, circumstances and outcomes of your life to understand how God has guided your life.
(2) Express: (a) thankfulness for all the blessings in your life; (b) praise for God's love and goodness; (c) worship in response to God's amazing creative power; and (d) your appreciation, love and devotion to God.
(3) Open your heart by telling God about your fears, sorrows, desires, hopes, needs, and requests.
(4) Ask God for guidance, understanding and wisdom; strength, protection, and healing; mercy, forgiveness and rescue; and blessings, well-being and success.
In addition, become a "Conversation Partner" with God by talking to God throughout each day whenever it is possible to direct your thoughts toward God.
Respond by Growing
Look at your schedule and find regular times when you can be alone with God. Although these periods of time may be brief, be disciplined about spending the time with God without letting the pressures of life interfere.