New Testament Lessons
From Romans

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Lessons From Romans
" .mp3 text
1 Introduction - Part 1 - Being careful to keep each
individual part of Romans within its immediate context
and within the larger context of Romans itself and
within the larger context of the NT and OT.
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2 Introduction - Part 2 - The sovereignty of God and free
will of man are seamlessly integrated in Romans. What
it means to live by the law / do the works of the law.
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3 Romans 1:1-5  Paul's Personal Introduction - Servant -hood, lineage, and the obedience of faith. .mp3 .pdf
4 Romans 1:6-17 Paul's Personal Introduction
concluded - the gospel is the power of God for
salvation, and the righteous live by faith
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Romans 1:18-32 The Progressive Advancement of Evil .mp3 .pdf
6 Romans 2:1-4  Condemning ourselves in our
condemnation of others.
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7 Romans 2:5-13 - Part 1  The Impartial Judgment and
Justification of God.  
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8 Romans 2:14-29 - Part 2  The Impartial Judgment and
Justification of God.  
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9 Romans 3:1-18  Defending the Faith - Paul's
arguments against those arguing against the Gospel.
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10 Romans 3:19-20 - Part 1  Justification by faith .mp3 .pdf
11 Romans 3:21-31 - Part 2  Justification by faith .mp3 .pdf
12 Romans 4:1-17 - Part 3  Justification by faith .mp3 .pdf
13 Romans 4:18-22  Paul interrupts his teaching on
justification by faith to preach a mini-sermon on faith,
using Abraham as his example.
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14 Principles, questions, issues, and qualifying conditions
related to the practical application of faith to the
Christian life.
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15 Romans 4:23-25; 5:1-11 - Part 4  Justification by
faith. Peace with God, Exulting in being glorified,
Exulting in tribulations, Exulting in God
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16 Romans 5:12-19 - Part 5    Justification by faith - an explanation of how one man, Adam, brought sin and
death, and how one man, Jesus Christ, brought
redemption and eternal life.
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Romans 5:20-21 - Part 1   Shall we sin so grace may
abound all the more? No, never! Why not? Because the
power of God's grace always exceeds the power of sin. 
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18 Romans 6:1-4 - Part 2    Shall we sin so grace may
abound all the more? No, never! Why not? Because we
have died to sin and have been raised to live a new life,
here and now, and on into eternity. 
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19 Romans 6:5-14 - Part 3    Shall we sin so grace may
abound all the more? No, never! Why not? Because we
are united with Christ in both His death and  resurrection, and because God has given us the responsibility to say no to sin and yes to righteousness.
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20 Romans 6:14-16 - Part 4    Shall we sin so grace may
abound all the more? No, never! Why not? If we go on
sinning, repeatedly and unrepentantly, we are serving
sin. And no one serving sin can be under grace, for
God extends grace to those who obey Him and serve
righteousness, not to those who obey and serve sin. 
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21 Romans 6:15-23 - Part 5  The nature of conversion,
absolute and progressive nature of the Christian life,
and the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our
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22 Romans 7:1-13 - Part 1  The role of the law in the life
of the Christian. We are not under the Law. It is used
by sin to tempt us, it cannot save us, it cannot empower
or assist us, yet it is holy, righteous, and good.
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23 Romans 7:15-25 - Part 2  The role of the law in the
life of the Christian. Under Law, we know what is right but frequently fail to do what is right, for the Law lacks the ability to empower us or assist us in godly living.
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24 Romans 7:24-25a  Who sets us free from the body of
this death? God does, through Jesus Christ our Lord. A
look at the many ways and means God frees us.
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25 Romans 8:1-8 - Part 1  The necessity of the presence
and work of the Holy Spirit for living a godly life.
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26 Romans 8:9-11 - Part 2  The necessity of the presence
and work of the Holy Spirit for living a godly life.
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27 Romans 8:12-13 - Part 1  The Role of the Believer.
And, a broader look at what the scripture says
about salvation.
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28 Romans 8:14-17 - Part 2  The Role of the Believer.
And the place of suffering with Christ in the Believer's
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29 Romans 8:18-25 - Part 1  Safe in God's hands. Who
and what we treasure determines how safe we feel in
God's hands - especially in the face of suffering.
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30 Romans 8:26-28 - Part 2  Safe in God's hands,
because the Holy Spirit prays on our behalf, and God
causes all things to work together for good.
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31 Romans 8:29-39 - Part 3  Safe in God's hands,
because God has predestined us to be conformed
to the image of Christ, because God is for us, because
no one can condemn us, and because no one can
separate us from God's love.
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32 An overview of  Romans 9-11 in preparation to
study these three chapters.
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33 Romans 9:1-8 - Part 1  If nothing can separate us
from the love of God, why does Paul teach that the
many of the Jews, God's chosen people, are separated
from God's love? Only those God chooses are within
God's love. "God chooses Isaac over Ishmael."
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34 Romans 9:10-13 - Part 2  Only those God chooses are within God's love.  "God chooses Jacob over Esau." .mp3 .pdf
35 Romans 9:14-16 - Part 3  God's choosing is neither
biased nor unjust in any way, even though God is the
one who decides to whom He will show mercy. 
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36 Romans 9:17-18 - Part 4  God's choosing is neither
biased nor unjust in any way, even though God is the
one who decides whom He will harden. 
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37 Romans 9:19-21 - Part 5  God's choosing is just, and
He is the potter, we are the clay. Therefore, we have no
right to judge God,  and we have no basis upon which
we are capable of judging God. 
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38 Romans 9:22-29 - Part 6   700 years before Paul
wrote Romans, God prophesied (through Hosea and
Isaiah) that many of the Jews would be rejected while
only a remnant would be justified.
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39 Romans 9:30-33  Contrast between faith and works -
Part 1. Also, the merging of God's sovereign choosing
with the requirement to come to God in faith.
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40 Romans 10:1-8  Contrast between faith and works -
Part 2. Also, why the path of works cannot lead to
justification and eternal life. Why faith works and is
accessible and possible for all.
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41 Romans 10:9-10    Confessing Jesus as Lord,  and
believing in your heart that God raised Him from the
dead results in salvation.
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42 Romans 10:11-17    Whoever will call on the name of
the Lord will be saved.
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43 Romans 10:18-11:6 All have heard enough to believe.
To claim you haven't heard means you haven't listened.
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44 Romans 11:7-15  The Jew's loss due to their unbelief
and rejection of Jesus Christ has resulted in eternal
riches for the Gentiles.
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45 Romans 11:16-24   Some Jews due to unbelief have
been broken off the cultivated olive tree (God). Some
Gentiles, by faith, have been grafted in. But beware, if
Jews can be broken off for unbelief, so can we.
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46 Romans 11:25-36   Paul's third warning against
spiritual arrogance. Some challenging questions that
are best left as mysteries. The greatness of God.
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47 Romans 12:1  Holy behavior is the source and motiva-
tion for worship that is in spirit and in truth.
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48 Romans 12:2 - Part 1  Do not be conformed to this
world, but be transformed. A look at why God
commands that His people are to be holy. 
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49 Romans 12:2 - Part 2  Do not be conformed to this
world, but be transformed. A look at how the world
influences us and  how to be transformed. 
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50 Romans 12:2 - Part 3  Do not be conformed to this
world, but be transformed. A look at how the world
has infiltrated the church. 
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51 Romans 12:3 - Part 1  The need for humility, sound
judgment, and discernment in taking our God-given
place and fulfilling our function in the church. 
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52 Romans 12:4-8 - Part 2  The proper functioning of
the church as we take our God-given place and fulfill
our function in the church.
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53 Romans 12:9 - Part 3  The vital part love plays in
making the church function as it ought. Therefore,
keep love pure, that is, without hypocrisy.
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54 Romans 12:10-13 - Part 4  The various ways to
express love as a member of the Body of Christ so
that the church functions as it ought.
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55 Romans 12:14-21 - Part 1  Living Godly In The
World & Church - The importance of believing in
love and living according to the standard of love.
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56 Romans 12:14-21 - Part 2  Living Godly In The
World & Church - The challenge of living according
to the standards set in these verses. 
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57 Romans 12:14-21 - Part 3  Living Godly In The
World & Church - Overcoming evil with good.
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58 Romans 13:1 - Part 4  Living Godly In The World
& Church - The Christian's responsibility toward
government and its ruling authorities. 
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59 Romans 13:2-7 - Part 5  Living Godly In The World
& Church - The Christian's responsibility toward
government and its ruling authorities. 
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60 Romans 13:8-10 - Part 6  Living Godly In The World
& Church - The Christian's responsibility to never stop
making payments on the debt of love.  
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61 Romans 13:11-13 - Part 7  Living Godly In The World
& Church - Make the most of the time that is left to
live a godly life, for the time is getting shorter.
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62 Romans 13:11-13 - Part 8  Living Godly In The World
& Church - Put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no
provision for the flesh.
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63 Romans 14:1-3 - Part 9  Living Godly In The World
& Church - An introduction to dealing with differences
of a non-moral nature.
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64 Romans 14:4-12 - Part 10 Living Godly In The World
& Church - Four principles for dealing with differences
on the non-essential freedoms we have in Christ.
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65 Romans 14:13-23 - Part 11 Living Godly In The
World & Church - Five more principles for dealing
with differences on the non-essential freedoms we
have in Christ.
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66 Romans 15:1-13 - Part 12 Living Godly In The
World & Church - Final two  principles for dealing
with differences on the non-essential freedoms we
have in Christ.
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67 Romans 15:13  Inward joy and peace through
confident faith by the power of the Holy Spirit.
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68 Romans 15:14-33  Paul's closing remarks and stated
intention of traveling to Rome.
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69 Romans 16:1-27 Paul's closing remarks, who to greet,
and an exhortation to resist misleading teaching.
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Each message may be heard on streaming audio over the Internet or downloaded for later use.
To download a message file in MS Edge, right click on the link,
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For Mozilla Firefox, right click and select "Save Link As . . ."

Revised January 2023